Progressive Scale and Software Solutions is a full service scale company offering scale services such as calibrations and repairs as well as software services for both the manufacturing sectors and meat, seafood and poultry processing industries
Counting Scale Systems: Watch The Video
Batching Systems : Filling, Batching, Dumping, Indexing, Data Collection
Weighing Scale Systems: Label Printing, Data Collection, Bar Code Reading
Truck Scale Systems: Data Collection, Filling Controls
Integrated Laboratory Balances
Progressive Scale Develops Software applications and solutions for projects that involve Scales, Controls, Labeling, Databases, Bar Coding and much more. We have packaged Counting Scale Systems and a Full blown Meat Processing Software system to facilitate traceability, inventory, order entry and QuickBooks Integration.
All of our scale and balance calibrations are done by state certified calibration technicians using an all electronic system. Reports are sent using the X-Calibar electronic scale calibration system. All calibrations receive:
Electronic Calibration Reports
State certified technician
Calibration Sticker per scale
Scale Testing
24hr Service